Ourania Kolokotroni
Dr Ourania Kolokotroni is a pediatrician with a PhD in Epidemiology, Assistant Professor at the School of Health Sciences at the Cyprus University of Technology. Dr Kolokotroni started her research career as the Research Coordinator of the Paediatric Respiratory Research Unit at the Cyprus International Institute for the Environment and Public Health and worked within a team that laid foundations for epidemiological research in Cyprus. She was involved in the organization and conduction of large population studies that investigated the association between obesity and chronic diseases such as asthma in children. In addition, her PhD work was on the prevalence of Hypovitaminosis D, its determinants and association with asthma. More recently Dr Kolokotroni participated in a number of applied research projects aiming to improve health promotion services provided by local NGOs. She was the Researcher Liaison between the Cyprus Breastfeeding Organization and the research team of the Cyprus University of Technology for the BrEaST Start in Life Project that investigated breastfeeding rates and determinants of breastfeeding in Cyprus. She also participated in the Erasmus project Baby Buddy Forward which used the participatory action research approach to transfer and contextualize a health digital app developed for parents in the UK to the Cyprus setting. Within the context of her clinical work and research on health literacy, she has been involved in activities to deal with improved communication with parents and health professionals on vaccine hesitancy.