Presenting the ACTION team and project to the University of Turin online seminar

On January 31st 2023, the ACTION team participated in the University of Turin’s online seminar presenting the project. During the seminar, the team presented the progress achieved during the last months. In particular, the participants were able to hear about 
– The screening process of the systematic review that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns reducing misinformation towards vaccination
(Case Study 1)
– The interviews conducted with students in Cyprus and France to study sources of information and trust on vaccination (Case Study 2)
– The delphi study conducted with healthcare professionals to understand their needs towards communicating vaccination messages to patients (Case Study 3)
– The experimental simulation studies investigating contagion properties of attitudes towards vaccination (Case Studies 4 and 5)
The discussion that followed with seminar participants was greatly interesting and helpful focusing mostly on epistemological and ontological aspects of the project. 
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